Special Needs

The purpose of special needs services is to assist with supporting agencies and families who are meeting the needs of the special needs population.

Our daughter Mia was born on May 4, 2015, weighing only 4 pounds; prior to birth Mia was diagnosed with Down Syndrome, 2 holes in her heart (ASD and VSD), and an intestinal obstruction (Duodenal Atresia).  Mia was hospitalized for the first 23 days of her life in the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.  On her second day of life she underwent major surgery to correct the obstruction in her small intestines, realign her large and small intestines, and remove her appendix.  Following surgery, Mia received all of her feedings via tube for the first 2 weeks of her life then slowly began receiving 1 teaspoon of formula at a time.

For the rest of Mia’s life she will need assistance with mostly everything. We want to support those agencies that will be supporting our daughter in her journey through life. There are many great agencies who work with developmental disability and we want to honor those workers and make sure they are paid for the amazing services they provide.